
The professional view from the outside

Your company goes through many proven processes in product development, pricing, sales and communication every day.

You are established and safe "in your box" - but for how long?

So far, your customers have called you, but the world of business is turning faster and faster, the pace of change is increasing, and the competitive situation is more international. Your future livelihood needs an open view and its reflection on today's internal processes. Years of experience and market observation are important factors that I would like to share with you.

We will think outside the box, make your processes fit for the future and also take people with you.


The important topics for success

On the basis of the corporate identity, successful corporate management thrives on the control loop consisting of market research, target definition, planning, implementation and control. Together we develop your marketing strategy and deepen the individual elements in the in-depth planning, in the so-called marketing mix:

Product – worth striving for is a product with a unique selling proposition (USP) or to develop your company as a brand and thus achieve added value.

Price – an earnings-oriented sales strategy needs an appropriate price-performance ratio. Product and pricing are an inseparable unit.

Communication - good communication is important because it draws potential customers' attention to your own product. In the best case, if customers have a positive attitude towards the product, this leads to a purchase. We work out the optimal mix of advertising, sales promotion and public relations.

Distribution - when establishing or developing a sales structure, location selection, sales channels and service are important decision criteria. The sales system must ensure that customers receive the product they want in the right condition, at the right time, at the desired location and in the quantity requested.


The common recipe for success

We will discuss how we work together in a free initial consultation. In any case, we act together and in a targeted manner. If we match each other, then we determine the further procedure - individually tailored to your needs.

The following questions guide us during the consultation process:

Where are they standing? - Where are the strengths and weaknesses of your company, your product?

What do you wish? - What are your goals? What do you need support for?

Wha t has to happen? - Where are there solutions and objectives? What are you going to do next?

By analyzing the results and derivations, we jointly define measures and work packages that reflect the corporate strategy or parts of it as a whole. We also accompany you during the implementation phase to guarantee sustainable implementation.


The professional view from the outside

I have been working in the automotive sector for over 20 years, the toughest branch when it comes to price, unique selling point and speed of development.

I was able to get to know and develop the sales business from scratch. As a career changer, I started my professional career at Elkamet in Biedenkopf immediately after finishing my studies. There I was able to use my personal strengths and developed a new business area from a "sales one-man show". Many personal development steps were promoted by high-class external coaches, be it strategic thinking or consistent pricing policy.

Most recently, I led the mature sales and project department with a committed team as a commercial manager and authorized officer.

From a local supplier for "a lot" to a global player and world market leader in the automotive niche - I was able to actively control, accompany and expand these changes. The focus was always on a product with a unique selling proposition that could be offered at an optimized price. In the past few years, I have initiated change processes, as a result of which, as a team, new products have been developed and markets opened up with disruptive approaches.

In addition to practical experience, I am advanced training and can therefore support you even better:

Workshops – Rhetoric & Body Language / Time Management / Change Management / Leadership and Cooperation

Seminars – Difficult Price Negotiations / Legal Basics for Managing Directors & Board Members / Rhetoric / Leading with Target Agreement / Contract Law for Automotive Suppliers / Power Pricing

Qualifications – facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and materials / currently: training Agile Sales Coach

Use my skills and "tools" for your company, for your project! I look forward to your inquiry and your task.



HS Consulting UG

Managing Director

Harald Schiebel


Am Lohn 22
D-35216 Biedenkopf
phone +49 (0) 1522 9078611
hs (at)


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This page last modified: 09.2020

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